Sunday, August 15, 2004

480-Pound Woman Dies After Six Years On Couch

480-Pound Woman Dies After Six Years On Couch

On the same topic of moral responsibility, here's a woman who was literally stuck on the sofa for 6 years. She couldn't move or get up for so long that her skin had actually grafted to the couch fabric.
Her husband says he cared for her as best he could, but couldn't move her for the life of him. She had two children. She was 40 years old.

It's clear to me that if she couldn't move to get up, she sure could move those jaws to eat.

She at one time, weighed much less, was able to move herself, get up and get around, obviously. There came a day that for the first time, she couldn't get up.

She had a husband, family neighbors around her. Why didn't someone call 911, right then?

Yes, they finally did, but it was too late. She died in hospital after 6 hours unsuccessful surgery to unglue her from the sofa fabric.

Do family members have any moral responsability to oblige one to get help for a health problem which is endangering their lives?


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