Saturday, September 25, 2004

When bad things happen to good people?

IHT: When even the French are targets of Islamic arab terrorists
Two Frenchmen have been added to the hostages list in Iraq. How can this happen when the French opposed the Iraq war from the start? The only ones surprised about that are the French themselves. They are such strong supporters of the Arab cause. In this new light though, it becomes clear that hypocritical boot-licking political attitudes, don't protect France from Islamic fundamentalists terror.

Pro-Arab French politics is of no relevance to Islam. A hushed rushed night vote in French assembly, to prohibit headskarves, crosses and stars of David in French public schools is, on the other hand, of extreme importance to them.

Poor, backward blinded France, prisoners of a 250yr. bloody anti-clerical Revolution. So fearfully intolerant today in their Republican beliefs, they have shown themselves more bigoted of late, than the Royalty and Churchmen they self-righteously beheaded for equality, liberty and brotherhood of man's sake.


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