First blooms
Today is San Jose, Father's day, in Spain and a national holiday. It's sunny, wind from the west, from inland, not sailing weather so gardening looks like a good option. Better for my first seasonal cold too.
My balcony looks south-southwest and is totally protected from the wind. It gets full sun this time of year from aorund noon until late afternoon, even the back wall.
Yesterday I noticed the first daffodils or jonquils are ready to bloom. They seem to grow as I watch!
The tomatoes, which have grown from Fall seeds, some planted and some self-sown, have the first stage of flowers and are about 12in-18in tall. They look healthy, strong-stemmed, with beautiful green leaves. A 100% improvement over last year. I have them in the front planters which get the most hours of sun. One is staked.
The hyacinths are in full bloom and have attracted a city bee or two. They also like the snapdragons that have taken well from plantings.
The carrots are doing MUCH better than last year, although they are few they are actually getting fat, not just leaves as before. Harvest is near.
I am harvesting the spinach for salads every day now. They are definitely bolting, no sense in waiting. Also I need the space to sow summer annuals. I got a packet of Ed Humes hummingbird flower seed mix and am anxious to see what it will do.
I got a pail of plain earth from around here to add to the compost that looked to humusy, too much sawdust I guess. I plan to mix the two to refill planters.
Most of all, I need to organize my plantings so they can shine. After going through fall and winter the balcony planters ahve got this and that all over, whatever took, grew from seed, whatever decided to grow after I gave up and reseeded something else there and the holes where nothing took. Tall plants, short plants, mixed plants!
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