Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Chess champion Bobby Fischer to tie the knot

Chess legend Bobby Fischer's queen wants her king back

It seems the deportation decree issued against Bobby Fischer, stunned him enough to make him hear bells...

Wedding bells.

In the midst of the US Justice Dept indictment, Bobby has decided to marry his Japanese chessplaying girlfriend, Miyoko Watai, 59 in hopes of halting his deportation to the U.S. At the same time the couple wishes to preserve their own relationship which began when they met in 1973. They have lived together since 2000 in Japan where she is Japan Chess Association president.

Much ado about nothing

Yahoo News - Japan Issues Order to Deport Ex-Chess Champ Fischer

This is an update news article related to an ealier post about chess world champion Bobby Fischer seeking political asylum in Japan in order to avoid charges of playing a chess match with Boris Spassky during a US embargo on visiting Yugoslavia.

It looks like Bobby is going to be deported to the US. in what appears to be a cold war time warp or Dame justice balancing old accounts.
The deep question is:

Should sportsman, chess is an Olympic sport, take into account political foreign policy of the moment when accepting or refusing international matches and sports encounters?

Fools rush in?

Yes, I did get windsurfing over the weekend. Whoopee. We had some gusty winds and big swells in the bay which made a fun sail all in all. I love the rush of the board cutting through the waves. And when I pick up speed, catch my smile!

I'm getting much better at handling the sailboard even when the wind gusts hard, skipping along the waves for long run. I can pretty much go where I want, wind permitting, beam to wind, upwind and even downwind, too. The sailboard teacher suggested I try a harness to the mast. Heh, that would be a step up from armpower alone. I have come a long way.

Last year this time I was participating in a windsurfing course at this same sailing school with two girls and one guy. We spent more time in the water than standing on the board. It lasted 5 days. In the fall, only the guy continued, and then dropped out in November saying the water was cold. I kept going all winter and spring and now in summer again once a week.

Nowadays, I am sometimes the only windsurfer out practicing amongst Lasers, Vauriens and Optimists sailors and, need I say it, one of the very few women sailors. I read somewhere recently, that there's a 95% dropout rate for first try sailboarders guys or girls. Wow! The article went on to say that the continuous falls into the water and awkwardly getting up on the board again during those first days, discourages almost all would-be surfers!

If I'd known that, I wouldn't have felt so perplexed all winter when my surf schoolmates stopped showing up at sailing school, while I continued practising week after week. Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread, as the old saying goes. I got a shorty wetsuit that kept me warm enough for the Levante coast winter. I didn't mind getting gonked and dunked in the learning process. I enjoyed a laugh at the incredulous looks from guys dock fishing as this crazy red-headed woman set to sea on a sailboard.