German election results ... a two-headed chancellor?

Merkel wins German election ... or did she? This could be the first woman chancellor for Germany. Bismarck is surely rolling over in his grave now.
What I find remarkable from my expat observation post, is how this election compares with the British and American elections. Germany represents Europe of the politically correct, negotiating, peace-talking gent. EVERYONE of good will and progress nods to what France and Germany preach. The United States and Britain of course represent all bad taste, meddlers, war-mongers and fanatics. The press would have us believe that nobody is on their side, naturally. I mean how could you be?
Well perhaps the world hasn't bought the Medias portrayal of the good the bad and the ugly so widely as has been previously assumed by them. Maybe things aren't all like the enlightened press would have us think. It's an interesting thought anyway.
Along comes a national election in each of these countries. Here's where the rubber meets the road. And ¡Ole! Reality shows a quite opposite picture. The dynamic duo, Bush and Blair, should have been rejected massively by their constituents, right? They in fact win large majorities in their respective countries, while the politically correct Kohl gets a vote for being wishy-washy no victory. Germany witnesses both candidates proclaiming on TV that each won the elections. Total confusion, a circus event.
Maybe they could decide on a two-headed chancellery, reminiscent of the two-headed eagle on the Austro-Hungarian coat of arms.